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The Importance of Gratitude

While to some gratitude may be something that is just a passing whim around the dinner table once a year, there are many benefits of living a grateful life, and cultivating gratitude as a way of being that science is just beginning to explore. 

The Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude can have a huge impact on your life and your health. 

  1. Better Mental Health: 

    People who pay regular attention to what they are grateful for are shown to have lower rates of depression, anxiety, and even improved symptoms of PTSD. Two gratitude practices a day were shown to reduce depression by 41% in at-risk patients. Looking on the bright side pays off!
  1. Lower Stress

    With stress being one of the biggest modern health risks, high cortisol wreaking havoc, especially on women’s hormonal balances, I’m pleased to tell you that regular gratitude practice is shown to reduce stress hormone levels by 23%.
  1. Boosted Immune System

    Lower stress means your immune system is able to function more optimally. Consider being thankful, essential to get through the cold and flu season!
  1. A Happier Life

    Those with a regular gratitude practice tend to also have better relationships and a more positive outlook on life and report higher overall satisfaction with life, including relationship satisfaction. 
  1. Improved Physical Health

    Grateful people are more likely to take care of their bodies, showing a higher tendency to eat well and exercise regularly, and be less likely to smoke or abuse alcohol. 
  1. Better Sleep

    People who wrote down a few things they were grateful for before bed tended to sleep better and longer. This could be tied to the stress and anxiety busting properties of gratitude! 
  1. Better Able to Cope with Life’s Challenges

    Grateful people have improved mental resilience in coping with traumatic events, as well as greater patience and understanding for others. People who practice gratitude also tend to be more optimistic about their lives, and futures, which is a key piece in resilience.  

How to Create a Daily Gratitude Practice

There are many ways to incorporate being thankful into your life, and it really can be quite easy and take hardly any time at all.  Here are some ideas on making it a regular part of your day: 

  1. Create a Gratitude Journal

    A popular way to practice gratitude is to start a journal devoted to the things you’re grateful for. You could write in it each morning, before bed, or even carry it with you and make a note every time you notice something you're grateful for throughout the day. 
  1. Start Your Day with Gratitude

    Have the very first thoughts of your day be of gratitude. The minute you wake up, start by thinking of 10 things you’re grateful for to set the tone for the rest of your day. It can be as simple as having a roof over your head or air in your lungs!
  1. Count Your Blessings Before Bed

    Before you go to sleep, think back through your day and find as many things, big or small, to be grateful for as you can. 
  1. Utilize Your Commute Time

    On your commute to work, create a game of seeing how many things you can notice that you’re grateful for along the way. 
  1. Write Thank You Notes

    When someone does something for you that you appreciate, spend the time to write them a thank you note and spread the gratitude! This is a social standard that has been lost to time, but one that makes people feel warm and fuzzy.
  1. Volunteer

    Offering your time and energy towards a cause that is meaningful to you is a great way to practice gratitude and help to share the blessings you have.
  1. Create a ‘Gratitude Vision Board’

    Create a visual reminder of the things you’re most grateful for and place it somewhere prominent like on your fridge, your computer desktop or phone background and feel gratitude each time you see it. 

Don’t worry about struggling to find things to add to your practice, you’ll be surprised once you start just how many things to be grateful for there are! Start with the little everyday things you take for granted, like story time with your child, the smell of rain, or having clean drinking water, and watch as more and more things to be grateful for come to you. 

May you and your loved ones be blessed with many things to be grateful for this season.