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Strengthen Your Bones and More with Vitamin D: A Guide To Vitamin D Benefits

Vitamin D - commonly known as the sunshine vitamin - is one of the most important supplements for your health. 

Unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency is all too common in Canada, with research confirming that 26% of people don’t have sufficient levels (Statistics Canada). 

While you can get enough vitamins D1, D2, and D3 from the sunshine, vitamin D is also a fat-soluble vitamin found in certain foods. 

Supplements are a great way to boost your levels if you’re not getting enough Vitamin D from your daily activities alone. In this guide, we’ll explore the many benefits of Vitamin D and reveal the best supplements available. 

How Vitamin D Affects Your Bone Health

Vitamin D plays an integral role in promoting strong and healthy bones. Individuals with inadequate levels are more at risk of developing conditions, as their bones aren’t as strong. Here’s how Vitamin D supports your bones: 

  • Calcium Absorption: Your body’s ability to absorb calcium depends on Vitamin D levels. Low levels can lead to weakened bones - even if you take calcium supplements. 
  • Bone Remodeling: Children and teenagers need Vitamin D to support healthy bone growth, but adults also need it for remodelling (when new tissue replaces older bone tissue). 
  • Mineralization: Bones must undergo a mineralization process to ensure strength and stability. Vitamin D supports calcium deposits to form in the bone matrix, enhancing structural integrity. 
  • PTH: The parathyroid hormone supports bone metabolism and calcium homeostasis. However, low Vitamin D levels can increase PTH levels, releasing calcium from your bones and causing them to weaken. 
  • Preventing Disorders: A range of bone disorders exist, including osteoporosis and rickets. These conditions cause weak and brittle bones, potentially leading to long-term disabilities. 

If you don’t get enough Vitamin D from diet and outdoor activities alone, boosting your levels is always a good idea. Canada has a range of options for buying Vitamin D online, including stores that ship supplements to your door. 

Understanding The Role of Vitamin D

Vitamin D performs a range of vital functions, but calcium absorption is its most important. Sufficient Vitamin D levels ensure your intestines can utilize calcium, forming healthy bones and teeth. 

Individuals with a calcium deficiency can suffer from a variety of symptoms, including weaker bones, muscle spasms, oral health issues and abnormal heart rhythms. 

Vitamin D sources:


Sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D, as the body produces it when the skin is exposed to UV rays, creating Vitamin D3. Individuals who regularly receive sun exposure can generate enough D3, but winter seasons can cause deficiencies. 

Food sources: 

  • Fortified cereals, orange juice and milk 
  • Fatty fish 
  • Cheese 
  • Liver 
  • Egg yolks 

As you can see from this list, vegans are more likely to suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, but supplements can boost your levels and maintain optimal health. 

Additional Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Now that you know more about Vitamin D and its impact on your bones, it’s time to reveal some other reasons why you should maintain optimal levels. This powerful vitamin has numerous health benefits; let’s explore them. 

Vitamin D Improved Immune Function

Aside from supporting your bones, Vitamin D also plays a role in how your immune system functions. Not only does it maintain stability within the immune system, but it also prevents infections. 

When your immune system goes into overdrive, it can result in autoimmune conditions, while underactive systems increase the risks of infections. 

While research is still ongoing, studies suggest that Vitamin D could also be beneficial in treating Multiple Sclerosis (MS Society). 

Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Chronic Diseases

Chronic conditions often require lifelong treatment or can even lead to fatalities. Vitamin D can reduce the risks of the following conditions: 

  • Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is preventable and treatable, with Vitamin D playing a pivotal role in insulin secretion. Its ability to reduce inflammation can prevent diabetes from developing (NCBI). 
  • Cardiovascular Conditions: Heart disease is one of the world’s leading causes of death, but Vitamin D is vital to cardiovascular health. Studies show that a deficiency can lead to chronic heart disease (Abbott). 
  • Respiratory Health: Airway inflammation can lead to asthma and other respiratory conditions. While Vitamin D won’t necessarily prevent them, it is renowned for its ability to reduce inflammation, resulting in fewer symptoms. 
  • Cancer: Research is still ongoing as to how Vitamin D reduces cancer risks, but studies do confirm that high levels reduce the chances of developing colon cancer and bladder cancer (NIH). 

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is so crucial for your body that it’s usually easy to tell when you have a deficiency. Watching out for the following signs can help you identify whether it’s time to moderate your diet or opt for supplements: 

  • Muscle and Bone Issues: Chronic bone pain and weak muscles are common with Vitamin D deficiency. You might notice your muscles getting tired after general activity, such as working out. 
  • Lethargy: Vitamin D is also essential for energy, and people with deficiencies often feel lethargic for no reason. 
  • Slow Healing: Vitamin D reduces inflammation, so people with low levels heal slower. For example, bruises and cuts might take a lot longer to disappear. 
  • Mood Changes: Low moods or even depression can also signify deficiencies. 
  • Bone density Issues: Low bone mineral density can result in a higher chance of fractures and increase the risks of osteoporosis.  
  • Hair Loss: Minor hair loss is common with Vitamin D, but some people might also experience alopecia. 
  • Cognitive Decline: Problems with memory and concentrating can impact people of all ages. Vitamin D deficiency might cause cognitive decline or worsen pre-existing conditions. 

Remember, you might get enough Vitamin D from sunlight alone during the summer, but the winter months often decrease your levels. 

Top Vitamin D Supplements Available Online

So, now we’ve covered what Vitamin D does and its many benefits, it’s time for the most exciting part: revealing our top supplement choices. 

Canada offers a range of options for buying vitamins online, but Lifestyle Markets is one of the most popular places for all of your health needs. 

Here are the most popular Vitamin D products available. 

Prairie Naturals Vitamin D3

Prairie Naturals offers a powerful form of Vitamin D3 in a convenient soft gel form. Each dose provides 1000 IU of cholecalciferol, which is easily absorbed by the body for maximum health benefits. 

Individuals taking weight loss, H2 blockers and anti-seizure medicines often have lower levels of D3,  but these soft gels were formulated to provide optimal doses. They’re also in a base of olive oil and have no artificial preservatives, gluten, dairy or wheat. 

CanPrev Vitamin D3 Liquid

CanPrev is one of the best Vitamin D supplements, as it comes in liquid form. If you hate taking tablets, the Vitamin D3 liquid is a convenient alternative. Each dose provides 1000 IU, resulting in significant health boosts. 

What makes CanPrev’s supplement unique is that it uses a base of fatty acids to ensure stability and enhance absorption. Remember to follow the dosage instructions and use the dropper to avoid excessive doses. 

AOR Vitamin D3

People with Vitamin D deficiencies often need higher doses to increase their levels, and AOR Capsules deliver a powerful punch. Each capsule contains 2,500 IU of D3, making them ideal for deficiencies or the winter months. 

The supplement also uses organic lichen instead of sheep’s wool, making it one of the more sustainable options available. Taking a daily dose will particularly benefit seniors. 

Whole Earth & Sea Vegan Vitamin D3 & K2

Vegetarians and vegans can struggle to find suitable supplements, but Whole Earth & Sea is one of the best places to buy Vitamin D online. The unique combination of D3 and K2 offers a range of health benefits, including supporting bone health. 

Vitamin D occurs in animal-derived products, so taking this liquid supplement as recommended will enhance your overall well-being. It will also help you build strength if you struggle with weak bones and muscles. 

Natural Factors Vitamin D3 Lipomicel 

Natural Factors offers a unique form of Vitamin D3 that allows for quicker absorption and treats severe bone disorders. LipoMicel is an innovative product that combines MCTs with flaxseed to ensure you receive the therapeutic benefits of D3 quickly and effectively. 

With 2000 IU per soft gel, this supplement is ideal for individuals with pre-existing bone conditions and will also support the prevention of these conditions. 

Buy Vitamin D Supplements In Canada 

Vitamin D is one of the most essential nutrients for your overall health, and deficiencies can lead to a range of health issues. Supplements are a wise investment if you can’t get enough Vitamin D from your diet. 

If you’re looking for the highest quality supplements, Lifestyle Markets is an online Vitamin store in Canada. We offer supplements from reputable manufacturers and have thousands of positive reviews. 

Whether you want to stock up on your favourite health brands or discover some new options, our website has everything you need. Please feel free to contact us for support.