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Breaking Down The Lymphatic System and Its Role In Immunity

Breaking Down The Lymphatic System and Its Role in Immunity

Your body is a complex machine, with every organ and system working hard to maintain optimal health. The lymphatic system is one of the most overlooked, but its importance is undeniable. 

From defending your body against infections to absorbing nutrients and recognizing potential threats, the lymphatic system is vital for your health and well-being. 

In this guide, we'll explore the importance of your lymphatic system, why maintaining its health is essential, and reveal some top supplements. Let's get straight to it. 

How Does The Immune System Work?

So, how does the immune system work? It's a complex network of components that work together to fight antigens and other harmful invaders.

When one part of your immune system isn't functioning correctly, the other components will struggle to eliminate antigens.

There are two primary parts of the immune system, with each playing a vital role in your overall health:

  • Innate Immune System: Your innate immune system acts as the first line of defence. It will immediately identify foreign enforcers and activate its physical and internal defences when working correctly.
  • Adaptive immune system: Your adaptive immune system plays a more specialized role, targeting specific pathogens that attacked your body previously. It remembers them and will produce antibodies to kill infected cells. 

What Happens When The Lymphatic System Isn't Working?

Maintaining the lymphatic system regulates immune responses, fluid balance and waste elimination, ensuring overall health.

A weakened system can cause a range of symptoms and complications, some of which can be fatal.


Lymphedema is rare in Canada, with the NIH estimating a 2.8% prevalence. It occurs when lymphatic fluid accumulates in tissues, damaging the lymph nodes and causing swelling in the limbs.

If lymph fluid doesn't drain correctly, it can cause infections, skin changes and even compromise mobility. 

Chronic Infections

The lymphatic system detects and fights infections but can damage your immunity.

When this happens, your body will struggle to fight infections, resulting in more severe respiratory issues, skin infections, and bacterial illnesses.

You might also develop infections regularly, as your immune system lacks the strength to fight them off. 

Autoimmune Disorders

Some autoimmune conditions develop due to a malfunctioning lymphatic system, as it can attack the body's tissues. Common conditions that might occur include lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Both of these conditions can cause a range of symptoms, including pain, discomfort and extreme fatigue. While treatments are available, the immune system must be strengthened.

Cancer Metastasis

Unfortunately, the lymphatic system can also play a role in cancer metastasis. When cancer cells enter lymphatic vessels, they can compromise the lymph nodes, resulting in metastasis.

Not only does this make it harder to treat, but many forms of cancer become incurable once metastasis occurs. 

Breaking Down The Integral Parts of The Lymphatic System

As mentioned earlier on, the lymphatic system is a complex network of organs, vessels and tissues that all build your body's defences.

Think of it as an army with soldiers, equipment and a tactical strategy. Let's take a look at each component in more detail.

1: Lymph Nodes

The lymph nodes are small structures with a distinctive bean shape. They're located throughout the body, including in the groin, armpits and neck.

While most lymph nodes aren't visible, their response when exposed to antigens means they swell up to activate the immune cells.

When your glands are swollen, it usually means your body is fighting an infection.

2: The Spleen

The spleen is the largest organ of the lymphatic system. It can destroy pathogens, recycle red blood cells, store white cells, and filter the blood.

Despite its importance, you can live without your spleen, but the body might be more vulnerable to infections.

3: Red and White Blood Cells

Blood cells support the immune and lymphatic systems. Red blood cells (RBCs) transport oxygen throughout the body, while white blood cells are on the front lines, battling pathogens.

Red blood cells don't directly fight infections but ensure your immune and lymph cells move around.

4: Bone Marrow

Your bone marrow produces most of the body's immune system cells, including B cells, which migrate to your lymph nodes after maturing in the bone marrow.

Healthy bone marrow is key to producing and maintaining an immune system. Without it, the risk of infections and diseases increases.

How Can You Best Support Your Lymphatic System?

Your immune system relies on a healthy lymphatic system—but how do you maintain it? Multiple strategies can be implemented to protect your immune system and ensure it continues to function. 

Maintain blood flow through exercise

Regular exercise is vital for lymphatic system support, as muscle movement pushes lymph fluid around the body.

You don't need to hit the gym for an hour each day, but 150 minutes of physical activity each week will support your immune system.

From swimming to walking and cycling, there are plenty of activities that you can do.

Combining physical activity with yoga also supports mental and emotional health, reducing stress and further strengthening immune responses. 

Reduce inflammation through diet

Diets that are rich in anti-inflammatory foods offer extra lymphatic system support. Eating high levels of sugars and saturated fats means your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs, but the right foods can supercharge your immunity. 

Fatty fish, leafy greens, fruits, seeds and nuts can decrease inflammation and provide vital nutrients for your lymphatic system. 

Stay hydrated

Are you drinking enough water? It might be tempting to have that latte or soda, but water maintains the flow of lymph fluid throughout the body and ensures you don't become dehydrated.

The lymph fluid can thicken and accumulate toxins during dehydration, increasing your risk of infections. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and always increase your intake during exercise or in hot weather. 

Use vitamins and supplements

One of the best ways to support your lymphatic system is through the use of vitamins and supplements. Vitamin C is abundant in antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage, while Vitamin E protects your cells from damage. 

Some herbal supplements will also boost lymphatic function, but they're not miracle cures. Instead, you'll need to combine vitamins and minerals with exercise and healthy eating. 

Best Vitamins and Supplements for Lymphatic System

We've searched our entire website for high-quality vitamins and minerals that can support the lymphatic system. From Vitamin C and Zinc to unique herbal blends, the following supplements are ideal for your overall health and well-being. 

CanPrev Zinc 30 + Vitamin C

CanPrev Zinc 30 + Vitamin C is an absolute powerhouse for your body, as it combines the antioxidant properties of Vitamin C with zinc's immune-boosting features. 

Both nutrients protect your body against free radical damage and healing wounds. Taking a daily dose of the CanPrev supplement will strengthen your body's defences, reducing your risk of infections. 

New Roots Grass-Fed Beef Spleen

New Roots Grass-Fed Beef Spleen is a dietary supplement offering various benefits. As an animal-derived product, it's not suitable for vegetarians and vegans, but there are plenty of alternatives available. 

The spleen is high in nutrients, including amino acids, minerals and vitamins—all of which can boost your immune system. Beef spleen also contains heme iron, which is highly beneficial for the production of red blood cells. 

Nutri-Start Quick D 

NutriStart Quick D is an effective liquid vitamin D3 supplement if you're not a fan of capsules or tablets. The vitamin is responsible for vital body functions, including strengthening the immune system, mood regulation and bone health. 

As a high-potency form of Vitamin D3, your body will have what it needs to thrive. The supplement is also all-natural, with zero additives and GMOs. Many people also report that regular dosages improve their moods and cognitive function. 

Purica Recovery 3.0

Purica Recovery 3.0 is a popular supplement that supports health and promotes recovery. It combines essential vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and Curcuma, making it one of the best supplements for active individuals. 

Each ingredient works hard to improve joint health and mobility, protect your body from free radicals, and support muscle recovery. 

While the supplement doesn't directly treat the immune system, it does reduce inflammation and has high levels of antioxidants. 

Try Vitamins and Supplements for Immunity 

Along with remembering to eat the right foods and exercise, vitamin supplements can give your body additional support and strengthen the immune system. 

Lifestyle Markets offers a range of high-quality supplements from Canada's most reputable brands. Please feel free to contact us if you require support or would like recommendations based on your symptoms.