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Regain Your Nutrition Routine

Dear Dr.Kim,

What would you recommend for helping me organize my nutrition again? I have been working from home and have had to juggle my kids’ crisis schooling and work meetings. I used to have a good routine but seem to have lost my way.

G.B. Victoria


Dear G.B.

We are in an interesting time. This global health challenge has required people to pivot on a dime and forced resiliency as we adjust to the different and changing circumstances and accept the unknown. Some have experienced tremendous loss and will look back on this time as one of misfortune while others may be finding some gifts such as moments of self-reflection, reassessment of goals, and a slowing of pace. Many may also find themselves having a mix of feelings that have varied across the weeks and days. That said, touching base with your nutrition routine and nourishment could help provide a prop to fortify you and this is extra important in challenging time. Generally, when we are well connected with the foods we eat we can appreciate having better energy, stamina, and this can contribute to feeling more at ease. I use the analogy that it is easier to knock over an empty bucket. If we look at food nutrients as a fuel for our wellbeing – and a means to “filling the bucket” - then food is foundational to supporting and sustaining us.

  • Mealtime –Anchor your nutrition with 3 meals per day –breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Snacks –Make this nutrient dense such as vegetables, fruit, and other plant-sourced choices. Sliced fruit with nut or seed butter, chopped veggies with hummus, half an avocado with sea salt, or seaweed snacks are some good choices.
  • Stay hydrated –A good rule of thumb is 30-40mls of fluid per kg for an adult with an active lifestyle. Remember too that vegetables and fruit contain water and so they will help add hydration to your day.
  • 12 hour overnight fast –If you find that you are a night snacker, for example, consider adding a window of 12 hours with no food/calorie intake. An example would be not eating (or drinking beverages with calories) from 7pm to 7am.
  • Leftovers for lunch –Making extra dinner to create leftovers is a huge help in keeping nutrition anchored. Generally, dinners are well balanced with protein and carbohydrate and so eating dinners for lunch helps to build balance. When you are well-satiated midday then it supports afternoon energy and stamina –mitigating afternoon snacking woes.
  • Planning and Prep –Pick a time to plan what meals or foods you are going to have and make for the coming week. On the weekend, I like to plug my dinner choices for the next week into my phone calendar so I can create my shopping list for Monday and the guesswork is gone. Also, set aside time to prep what will help to fill in the gaps for your nutrition strategy. This could mean –cutting veggies so that they are ready to go, washing fruit and putting it in bowls so it is in sight and top of mind, or it could be making your own granola or muffins so that you have nutrient dense choices on hand.

I hope these suggestions give you a starting point. If it is overwhelming, then pick one thing to work on and begin there.

“Health from the inside out.”

Kim McQueen is one of the Co-founders of the nourishing Supershake, Rumble.