Goat's Pride Grass-Fed Goat Milk (1 L)

Grass Fed Goat milk. Our goats have full time access to pasture. They also receive a varied diet of fruits and vegetables, brewers grain, hay, organic bread, sunflower seeds, and flax seed. We prefer homeopathic methods to treat any health issues that arise. Any goat requiring conventional medical interventions such as antibiotics is pulled off the milk line to focus on healing.
Our milk is pasteurized using a low temperature, vat pasteurization method and is not homogenized, leaving the cream to rise to the top.
Goat milk is easier for humans to digest than cows milk. The fat cells are smaller, as well, goat milk contains an enzyme that helps the body to digest lactose. Many people who have allergies to cow milk, can drink goat milk without discomfort. Goat milk contains similar medium chain fatty acids to human milk. These medium chain fatty acids are essential for brain development in children.