North Coast Naturals Organic Hemp Protein - Unflavoured (840g) – Lifestyle Markets add wishlist add wishlist show wishlist add compare add compare show compare preloader

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Hemp is a complete balanced whole food source of protein, fibre and essential healthy fats (EFAs). Our 100% CERTIFIED organic protein is easily digested, animal-free (vegan) and is the best plant source of protein, containing both edestin and albumin proteins, the type our bodies absorb best!

Our undenatured Hemp is 35% higher in protein than hemp flour, helping deliver more amino acids, nature's building blocks for lean tissue, skin, and healthy hair & nails.

Our Hemp Protein is balanced, it is rich in fibre (8 grams per serving, almost 1/3 your daily need) and rich in EFAs (essential fatty acids, the healthy fats). Each serving delivers 2200 mg omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 EFAs. Hemp is one of the rare sources of GLA, an omega-6 EFA that is a real powerhouse of help with improving one's energy and mood.


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